Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Name Meaning

My Name
          Funny story: My name should have been Kendall, which means "valley on the river Kent", up until about a month before I was born. My parents were (and still are) huge Metallica fans, and at that time, the drummer was married to a doctor named Skylar. When my mom heard that name a month before I was born, she immediately knew that was meant to be my name. The funny thing is my sister's name is Kendall, so they must have really liked that name, too.
          Now back to my name. Skylar has many different meanings across different nationalities. The English meaning is "eternal life and strength". The Dutch meaning is "a shelter". The American meaning is "the sky (obviously XD); guarded; scholar, learned one". My favorite one is the English meaning because I hope to be a strong person that lives a long life. 
          Now that I think about it, I am glad that my parents made the right decision. I really like my name because it is unique, plus I can't imagine my sister having any other name.

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